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Ministry of Health - eJobsFiji

Ministry of Health

About Ministry of Health
The Fiji Islands are a republic comprised of over 330 islands, covering more than 18,000 square kilometres. The nature of this geography poses significant challenges for the delivery of health services to a population that is dispersed over such a large maritime region. The Ministry of Health services all of Fiji under the 4 main Divisions and 21 sub-divisions including Rotuma. The Ministry of Health operates with divisional and sub-divisional departments of the Ministry of Health. The 2007 census place Fiji’s population at 837,271 (for ease of government planning, this population is divided into four Divisions; Central – with a population of 342,477, Eastern – with a population of 39,313, Northern – with a population of 135,961 and Western – with a population of 319,611). The total rural population was 412,425 (49.3%) and the total urban population was 424,846 (50.7%) of the national population. The trend reveals a growing urban drift in Fiji’s population. The Ministry of Health delivers its services to this population, with 3 main Divisional Hospitals, 18 Sub-divisional Hospitals, over 80 Health Centre’s and 99 Nursing Stations in 2014. Disclaimer: We do not represent this government entity.
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